Thursday, February 20, 2014

Social Entrepreneur Spotlight: Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad may be best known as the star of "Laguna Beach" and "The Hills" or as an accomplished designer and New York Times best-selling author, but did you know she's also a social entrepreneur? 

Her social enterprise, The Little Market, works with artisan groups in developing countries around the world who create beautiful, handmade and fair trade products. When you purchase from The Little Market, you are providing their artisans with the means to provide food, school fees and medical visits for their families.

Like five ACCESSORIES, The Little Market seeks to empower women artisans to rise above poverty and support their families. Keep it up, Lauren!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Spread the L❤︎VE

This Valentine's Day, spend time with the people/person you love, and if you're going to spend money on gifts, shop with companies that change lives. Support your local fair trade organizations and social enterprises; you'll know exactly where your money is going. Besides, isn't V-Day about spreading the love?

Shop now.